That is our goal. That is our aspiration. All our energy is towards it. Join us in the quest to plant 50 million trees in Burundi. Let us save this earth.

Greening Burundi

The Journey of 50 Million Trees in Burundi

Challenged by the menace of deforestation and the devastating effects of the climate change resulting in soil erosion, global warming, desertification and soil infertility, Emmanuel seeing himself as a future generation, embarked on reforestation in order to preserve the environment. This passion was what gave birth to the launching of “Greening Burundi” with the hope of planting 50 million trees in Burundi.

Burundi has lost 50% of its forest cover in the last 25 years according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization) report. There is an alarming situation of deforestation and climate change disasters in Burundi. The forest cover estimated at 171,625 ha could disappear between 25 to 33 years in Burundi.

To face these challenges, Greening Burundi has launched initiatives to ensure Climate Justice in Burundi and a large number trees have already been planted starting from Bubanza, Cibitoke et Bujumbura Provinces.

50 Million Trees Campaign

The goal is alive and Emmanuel Niyoyabikoze and his team are focused on planting 50 million trees on national Burundi territory.

Total Numbers of Trees Planted

1 %
Indigenous Trees
1 %
Fruit Trees
1 %
Exotic Trees
Get Involved

Support Greening Burundi

Be A Tree Ambassador

You too can make the difference planting one tree at a time. Be a Tree Ambassador, share your story and help others plant a tree, to save the mother earth from destruction.

Learn About Environment

It Is fun learning about the environment. We work with schools and teachers to help them teach their students on the importance of trees, as well as supply nurseries for their schools.

Communities Need Trees

Trees are needed by out communities to improve quality of life. Communities are encouraged to plant trees for environmental, economic, health and social benefits and learn about trees.

Partnership That Saves

It is time for you to partner with us. Let us partner on behalf of the mother earth we love so much. We need you to help provide the tool and finance needed to achieve this noble goal.

Corporate Social Responsibility

There is no better CSR than plainting a tree. Businesses and organisations can make impacts and help boost their corporate social responsibility initiatives by committing to planting of trees.


We are committed to the #GreeningBurundi Project and whatever help you can render to help with our seed preparation, logistics and human resources will be appreciated.
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Our Goal

Trees To Be Planted In 2025


We plan to plant around 2 millions trees again in 2025 in Bubanza, Cibitoke and other provinces of Burundi. Individuals, schools, communities and organizations are welcomed to partner with us to save our planet from the scourge of climate change in order to assure a future for the next generation.

We Sing While We Plant

Greening Burundi Song

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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